How to Cultivate Growth Through Adversity

Growing anything of value takes patience. Sometimes it feels as if we are going through a drought while raising our children.

It can be overwhelming at times, but don’t be discouraged! Continue to create an environment for growth. In Deuteronomy 6, the Bible says to write God’s word on the door frames of our home.

Seven years ago, I went through a terrible flare with Crohn’s Disease, an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in your gut. During that time, my sister, Cindy, wrote scriptures for me on notecards that promise God’s healing. They are still taped to my bathroom mirror as a reminder that my God heals!

Through that season of my life, when every day was uncertain, I did all I knew to do: I clung to God. My family saw me at my worst, and they’ve seen me as I’ve struggled with my health in the years since. The way you live your life in moments of adversity will reveal what’s in your heart!

As you are growing your family, share with them your testimony. Remind your children of all the times God has protected you and come through for you! Tell them of the times when you didn’t know how you’d pay the bill, but God provided!